biprocessada, mananoligossacarídeos e peptídeos. O total de 864 pintainhos machos, da linhagem AgRoss 508, com um dia de idade, foram pesados individualmente e distribuídos em blocos ao acaso. Os tratamentos consistiram de suplementos com diferentes teores de NEP, com oito repetições com 27 aves cada: T1, controle, 0% de NEP; T2, 7% de NEP (1-7 dias) e 3,5% de NEP (8-21 dias); T3, 14% de NEP (1-7 dias) e 7% de NEP (8-21 dias); e T4, 21% de NEP (1-7 dias) e 10,5% de NEP (8-21 dias). Aos 21 dias de idade, o peso corporal, ganho de peso, consumo médio de ração, conversão alimentar e rendimento de carcaça e cortes não foram afetados significativamente pelos tratamentos experimentais. A utilização de NEP na dieta de frangos de corte não altera o desempenho das aves e não interfere nas variáveis de características de carcaça.Termos para indexação: mananoligossacarídeos, milho pré-gelatinizado, óleo degomado de soja, peptídeos, soja biprocessada.
Performance of broilers fed with highly digestible ingredient in the prestarter and starter raising periodsAbstract -The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the diet, with the inclusion of an energetic-protein nucleus (EPN) composed of highly digestible ingredients, on the productive performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. The nucleus was composed by degummed soybean oil, pre-gelatinized corn, twice-processed soybean, mannanoligosaccharides and peptides. The total of 864 male AgRoss 508 broiler, with one day of age, were weighed individually and distributed in a randomized block design. Treatments consisted of: T1, control, 0% EPN; T2, 7% EPN (1-7 days) and 3.5% EPN (8-21 days); T3, 14% EPN (1-7 days) and 7% EPN (8-21 days); and T4, 21% EPN (1-7 days) and 10.5% EPN (8-21 days of age). At 21 days of age, body weight, weight gain, average feed intake, feed conversion and carcass and cut-ups yield were not significantly affected by treatments. The EPN inclusion in the diets did not influence the performance, carcass traits and cut-ups of broilers.