Purpose -Many electric circuits feature some type of non-linearity of their used devices. Non-linear resistors or inductors could be typical examples. Also, all semiconductor devices are in their nature non-linear ones. The simulation models are very important parts of the design of the devices in various fields of industry. Multiply (multiple) simulation, verified by the measurement on the physical sample, help to improve the converter design by understanding the current and voltage behavior of non-linear elements. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach -Mathematical model of LCTLC inverter was made. Fictitious exciting function was applied on LCTLC inverter model. The non-linear inductance with the real core EFD model has been created and consequentially used for MatLab simulation experiments. MatLab and OrCAD/PSpice simulation results were compared with experimental measurements carried out on physical sample. Findings -The authors have found how to simulate non-linear resonant circuits within mathematical apparatus using fictitious exciting function method. The authors provided comparisons between proposed simulation mathematical model and relevant physical sample. Multiply simulations can help to improve the converter design by understanding the current and voltage behavior of non-linear elements.Research limitations/implications -The proposed method is applicable for simulation purposes. The only limitation is that MatLab model does not include hysteresis curve of the core, therefore it has to be modeled. Practical implications -The design of power supplies (switched mode power supplies, UPS and resonant inverter). Originality/value -Research in the area of behaviors of non-linear components in resonant circuits.