The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) Structure is a precision optical metering structure for the JWST science instruments. Optomechanical performance requirements place stringent limits on the allowable thermal distortion of the metering structure. A significant effort was completed to develop capabilities to predict and metrologize cryogenic thermal distortion of the ISIM Structure. This paper focuses on thermal distortion finite element modeling, analysis, and model validation. Extensive thermal distortion analysis was completed during the design phase for the ISIM Structure to demonstrate that thermal distortion requirements were achieved. Comparison of measurements from recently completed cryogenic testing and model predictions demonstrate the adequacy of thermal distortion modeling uncertainty factors adopted during the design phase, and provide bounds on the accuracy of the model predictions. This paper will provide an overview of the test configurations, describe the thermal distortion models of the tests, and provide a comparison of test results and analytical predictions from the models.