Abstract-Optical network survivability becomes indispensable with the emerging wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technologies such as the DWDM technology. Particularly, for optical multicast sessions, a link-or-node failure has a severe impact as it can prune several communications simultaneously. The p-cycle approach ensures node-and-link failure recovery while maintaining a fast restoration time and an efficient use of the network capacity compared to the other protection approaches. Up to now, most researches on link-and-node failure recovery in optical light trees have deployed limited approaches for node protection. These approaches do not use efficiently the protection capacity provided by a p-cycle when protecting nodes.In this paper, we extend the node protection concept of the pcycle approach for an efficient resource utilization in a dynamic multicast traffic. Then, we propose two novel algorithms that integrate our concept for the node protection, named NPC and NPCC. These algorithms enable node-and-link failure recovery. We compare our algorithms with the ESHN algorithm, which is reported to be the most efficient heuristic algorithm for protecting dynamic multicast sessions in WDM networks. Extensive simulations show that the NPC algorithm achieves the best resource utilization, while the NPCC algorithm outperforms the ESHN algorithm in terms of blocking probability and computational time.