Bhabha Atomic Research Centre is developing Low Energy High
Intensity Proton Accelerator (LEHIPA) as a pre-injector for proposed
Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical Reactor Systems (ADSS). Drift Tube
Linac is one of the two major accelerating structures of LEHIPA, the
other being the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ). Like all particle
accelerating structures, DTL needs multi-disciplinary expertise for
design, production, qualification, and installation. This paper
describes the comprehensive design, production, qualification, and
installation of the ∼ 11–20 MeV section of DTL. It details the
design of all sub-components which form part of the DTL RF
cavity. Several novel concepts were implemented in course of this
development. Important among them are DT-DTL alignment, referencing
methodology, robust vacuum design and hermetically sealed DTs. This
paper is a comprehensive coverage of design, development and
installation aspects of Alvarez DTL. At present, the DTL is ready
for beam commissioning.