The aerospace industry is rapidly changing towards more electric aircraft initiative, trying to alleviate pollution problems and obey the authority bodies' strict rules. Not only should aircraft comply with this initiative but also helicopters (i.e., rotorcrafts), such as the substitution of hydraulic actuators of helicopter landing gear with electromechanical one. Even though this change is a significant step towards full electrification, the next phase would be integrating electromechanical actuators with local energy storage systems resulting in a complete zero-emission actuation. This possibility is rarely investigated in the literature. This paper analyses various electrochemical energy storage devices as an energy source for helicopter landing gear retraction/extension actuation.Lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitor and lithium-ion capacitors are selected as choices for this peculiar application. The trade-off study results show that the best option in terms of weight is storage composed of lithiumion capacitors. In contrast, if the number of extensions and retractions is of the primary concern, the high energy lithium-ion batteries are a preferable choice.