Continuous reducing the size of transistor technology has enabled extraordinary improvements in the switching speed, density, functionality and cost of microprocessors. Integrated Circuit industry is pursuing Moore's curve down to deepnanoscale dimensions. Advanced transistor technology now faces many challenges that together result in static power consumption due to leakage currents. In fact, leakage currents are responsible for more than 50% of the total power consumption in nanoscale designs. In deep-nanoscale arena, this percentage will increase further. However, diagnosing of the interface quality and interaction between insulators and semiconductors is significant to reduce the leakage current and achieve the high performance of switching devices in the nanoscale domain. Continuous scaling down has required drastic decreases of the SiO 2 dielectric film thickness to achieve ever-higher capacitance densities. Fundamental limits of SiO 2 as a dielectric material, imposed by electron tunneling, will be reached as this SiO 2 film thickness approaches ~1nm. Therefore, alternate high-k interlayer dielectric material will be needed to replace SiO 2 as a capacitor and gate dielectric material. Numerous alternate high-k materials are being actively investigated, ranging from Al 2 O 3 (k ~ 9) to HfO 2 (k ~ 25). High-k materials hold the promise of achieving very high capacitance densities with relatively thick films. His research interests includes a relatively new methodology and nanotechnology for the next generation of computing and other micro-and nano-electronic applications. Emadelden Fouad received his B. Sc and M. Sc degree with Theoretical Physics from Cairo University, Egypt in 1996 and 2001 respectively. Emadelden also finished his PhD with theoretical Nano device from Cairo University, Egypt in 2005. Previously he worked as a teaching assistant, and instructor with the department of Physics at Cairo University. Currently he is working as an assistant professor of physics with the department of natural science at Florida Polytechnic University. His research interest include but not limited to quantum transport characteristics of energy efficient devices, Electromagnetic properties of type II superconductors and emerging nanomaterials like graphene.