An experimental and numerical study of a planar freezing front propagating in a water layer above microgrooved substrates is presented. Classical photolithographic technology is employed to fabricate the microgrooves, and the morphological effect on the front propagation speed is quantified and compared with that predicted by the numerical simulation. The simulation is performed using enthalpy method and the finite element analysis package FIDAP in order to understand the physical mechanisms. The experimental results show that the speed of a freezing front oscillates when the front moves across the adjacent crests and troughs of microgrooves. The propagation speed on crests is about two to eight times that in troughs. The simulation results agree well with experiments and demonstrate that the silicon crests change the heat transfer direction into vertical as the latent heat is released from the freezing front, leading to a fast propagation on crests. The shape of the freezing front, the impact of the sample geometry, and the cooling rate of the system are also reported and discussed. The findings provide insight into how the speed and shape of a freezing front can be manipulated and might find broad application in systems with solidification.
A= temperature at the cold end of a unit cell under the initial condition B = temperature at the hot end of a unit cell under the initial condition C p = specific heat d = depth of the trough d s = thickness of the substrate d w = water thickness above the substrate H = enthalpy K = cooling rate derived from the curve fit of the experimental data k = thermal conductivity L = latent heat of water, 333:6 kJ=kg for water n 1 = normal direction of the freezing front (solid-liquid interface) in the water layer n 2 = normal direction of the silicon-water interface T= temperature T f = melting temperature of ice, 0 C (273.2 K) t = time V = volume of water w = width of the microgrooves x = horizontal direction, i.e., the direction of the freezing front propagation z = vertical direction = volumetric ratio of the water above a trough to the water above a crest T=x = temperature gradient in the horizontal direction t = time period calculated from the simulation = time period measured in the experiments = Dirac delta function = density v = speed vñ 1 = freezing front propagation speed, i.e., solidification rate v 0 = speed of the water freezing point (T 0 C) calculated from the simulation = angle of the wedgelike front from the horizontal direction Subscripts c = cold end of the test specimen, or the crest of the microgrooves f = freezing front, i.e., solid-liquid interface h = hot end of the test specimen s = silicon t = trough of the microgrooves w = water, including its liquid phase and solid phase 0 = water freezing point (T 0 C) Superscripts l = liquid phase of water s = solid phase of water (ice)