Incubator Control for Premature Babies has benefited greatly from the development of creative methods and uses of artificial intelligence. Due to the immaturity of the epidermis, premature infants lose fluid and heat early in life, which causes hyperosmolar dehydration and hypothermia. Water loss through the epidermis. Therefore, in order to maintain the baby's healthy temperature, an incubator is required. As a result, it is anticipated that the baby will maintain the same temperature as in the mother's womb. A temperature regulation system with good measurement and regulation quality is necessary due to the necessity of Incubator Control for Premature Infants with Artificial Intelligence Based on Fuzzy Logic in treating premature infants. The purpose of this research is to assess current trends in artificial intelligence-based fuzzy logic incubator control for preterm infants. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA) were used in this study's systematic literature review. 188 suitable articles that fit the inclusion requirements were found after the articles were screened and chosen. The outcomes demonstrated that the Incubator Control for Premature Infants offered the best environment for newborns with growth or disease-related issues (premature babies). An incubator is a sealed space free of dust and bacteria with the ability to regulate temperature, humidity, and oxygen to maintain a stable environment.