Our biggest thanks go to everyone in the student author and editorial teams. Coupled with a tremendous team spirit, their desire to make a difference in higher education is deeply moving. Our heartfelt gratitude also goes to all the academics who have served as our R=T Professors in the project. We thank them for their infectious passion for researchbased education and unyielding support to our student authors. Their exemplary approaches to student education are celebrated by their partner students in Section 2 of the book -as they have undeniably inspired our next generation of research-based educators.Apart from the R=T team, we would not have got to where we are without the support from other colleagues and students at UCL. We would like to thank Professor Dilly Fung for supporting the R=T initiative as part of the UCL Connected Curriculum and for her inspiring leadership of the UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education. Other colleagues from the Arena Centre, particularly those from the Connected Curriculum and ChangeMakers teams, have given us their invaluable support throughout the project. Our special thanks go to Dr Paul Walker, who has given us some great advice on student-staff partnerships. We would also like to thank Howard Gossington and Kim Allen for their copyediting of the manuscripts, and to Patrick Robinson for his filming and editing of R=T video materials. The students and staff who participated in the Masterclasses, discussion events and focus groups have made the project a success by sharing their valuable experience and ideas. We are very grateful for their contribution to the initiative.Our gratitude goes to Dr Asma Buanz, who has kindly allowed us to use her beautifully created image for our book cover. The image shows crystals forming colourful chain link patterns on glass. The crystals themselves are the result of a mixture of two metastable polymorphs. Our book is all about connections -between students and staff and between research and teaching -and it is our hope that it will inspire many more ACknowlEdgEMEnTS vi such linkages at microscopic and macroscopic scales. Asma is herself a researcher and educator in the School of Pharmacy at UCL.Last but not least, we would like to thank Wahida Samie (Education & Campaigns Officer, Chair of the UCLU Board of Trustees, UCL Union, 2015-16), Professor Anthony Smith (UCL Vice-Provost for Education and Student Affairs), Professor David Price (UCL Vice-Provost for Research) and Professor Michael Arthur (UCL President and Provost) for their support for the R=T initiative. Their presence and sharing of precious ideas at the R=T Launch Event in November 2015 was not just a show of support to the initiative but also sent an all-too-important message to the institution and beyond that research-based education is indeed a truly cross-community student-staff partnership effort. Numbers of learners who enrolled in the first offering of our FutureLearn MOOC, and where they are based 268 Can students, like professional educationalists, shape higher ...