Piezoelectric accelerometers excel in vibration sensing. In the emerging trend of fully organic electronic microsystems, polymeric piezoelectric accelerometers can be used as vital front-end components to capture dynamic signals, such as vocal vibrations in wearable speaking assistants for those with speaking difficulties. However, high-performance polymeric piezoelectric accelerometers suitable for such applications are rare. Piezoelectric organic compounds such as PVDF have inferior properties to their inorganic counterparts such as PZT. Consequently, most existing polymeric piezoelectric accelerometers have very unbalanced performance metrics. They often sacrifice resonance frequency and bandwidth for a flat-band sensitivity comparable to those of PZT-based accelerometers, leading to increased noise density and limited application potentials. In this study, a new polymeric piezoelectric accelerometer design to overcome the material limitations of PVDF is introduced. This new design aims to simultaneously achieve high sensitivity, broad bandwidth, and low noise. Five samples were manufactured and characterized, demonstrating an average sensitivity of 29.45 pC/g within a ± 10 g input range, a 5% flat band of 160 Hz, and an in-band noise density of 1.4 µg/$$\sqrt{{Hz}}$$
. These results surpass those of many PZT-based piezoelectric accelerometers, showing the feasibility of achieving comprehensively high performance in polymeric piezoelectric accelerometers to increase their potential in novel applications such as organic microsystems.