The paper presents the results of the development of AIGaAs/GaAs and GaSb cells, manufactured for tandem solar cells and designed for point and line-focus concentrator modules. The maximum efficiency of 23-23.6% (25'C, AMO) under 20-70 suns was achieved in the AIGaAs/GaAs infrared transparent cells with prismatic cover. The efficiency of 27.5% under AM1.5, 140 suns has been achieved.. The cells based on GaSb homo-junctions, Zn-diffused structures have been developed for tandems and thermophotovoltaic (TPV) applications. AM 1.5 efficiencies as high as 6.7% behind the GaAs filter for concentration ratio of 240 suns were achieved.Lattice matched p-n InGaSbAs-nGaSb heterostructures have been fabricated by LPE and Zn-diffusion method. The longwavelength edge of photosensitivity of these cells is 2.15-2.2 pm.
IhlTRODUCTlONThe tandem solar cells have been realized recently in both mechanically stacked [l] and monolithic [2,3] constructions. The maximum efficiencies of about 30% (AMO) and 35% (AM 1.5) were achieved in a mechanically stacked concentrator tandem solar cells on the basis of AlGaAs/GaAs top cells and GaSb bottom cells [l]. MOCVD has become the main method for preparation of high efficiency AIGaAs/GaAs cell heterostructures. The nontoxic, inexpensive low-temperature LPE-method was used in our work for reproducible growth of the AIGaAs/GaAs structures [4, 51. The work on development of the GaSb and InGaSbAsjGaSb structures for tandems and thermophotovoltaics is in progress.
INFRARED TRANSPARENT AIGaAs/GaAs SOLAR CELLSAIGaAs/GaAs heterostructures were fabricated by low temperature (600-400°C) liquid phase epitaxy [4,5]. The structures with p+GaAs top contact layer, 0.05-0.07 pm wide-gap AI , , , Ga, , , As window layer, 0.4-0.6pm p-GaAs photoactive layer, 3 lum n-GaAs layer and back surface field AI, ,Ga,,As layer have been manufactured (see 143 0-7803-3166-4/96/$5.(30 0 1996 IEEE