The explosive growth of the data center computing business has caused the problem that the operation energy consumption is too high and the waste heat of equipment heat dissipation is discharged into the atmosphere without utilization. How to utilize data center waste heat economically and effectively has become the focus of research in recent years. At the same time, as a large agricultural country, China is promoting agricultural modernization, and the number of agricultural greenhouses is also increasing year by year. Ensuring that agricultural greenhouses can use more green, efficient, and cheaper heat sources in winter is also an urgent problem to be solved. In this paper, based on the characteristics of large, stable, temperature matching and combined with the winter demand for agricultural greenhouses, a scheme of using data center waste heat for agricultural greenhouses is proposed. Firstly, this paper defines the waste heat collection from the hot channel of the machine room and the backwater of the cooling unit, establishes the waste heat calculation model of the data center, and calculates the hourly heat generated by the equipment in the machine room and the hourly waste heat change of the water cooling unit according to the hourly change of the electrical load of the data center. At the same time, the heat generated in the machine room is collected in the hot channel and replaced by the heat pipe heat exchanger, and the residual heat of the hot channel is calculated in this part. Then, the heat load model of agricultural greenhouses is established to match the waste heat of data centers, and heat pump heating equipment is selected to heat agricultural greenhouses. Finally, the equipment is optimized according to the waste heat extracted from the hot channel.