The HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) color model is more intuitive than the RGB color model and widely used in color recognition and color space segmentation. Currently as the requirements of high processing speed and special applications need to realize RGB to HSV color space conversion, in this paper a new Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architecture named RGB2HSV module was developed via an accurate and visible FPGA implementation method in use of Xilinx System Generator (XSG). XSG is a design tool in Simulink of MATLAB which accelerates design by providing access to highly parameterized intellectual blockset for Xilinx FPGA. In this paper simulation test images were used to measure the deviation and the time consume by the RGB2HSV module and relevant C program. Experiment shows that the maximum frequency can reach 121.433MHz and lower deviation was achieved in Xilinx Zynq xc7z020 device. The full-pipelined and parallel RGB2HSV module had been adapted in order to speed up the RGB to HSV color space conversion and took as much as 87% less than that of C program in our experiment.