A high-precision sampler, Fluke 8588A multimeter in the sampling mode, was utilised to perform differential sampling of AC waveforms with a programmable Josephson voltage standard. The systematic error on the differential sampling, induced by the inherent voltage-response characteristics and built-in low-pass filter of the sampler, was estimated. Experimental results and numerical simulations revealed that the sampler could be used for reliable differential sampling of AC waveforms at frequencies up to several kilohertz, with an appropriate number of the voltage steps per the waveform period, when the input bandwidth was set to 3 MHz. In addition, the sampler was compared to an integrating sampler, Keysight 3458A, now widely used for differential sampling. At 62.5 Hz, a key frequency in the future on-site key comparison of the differential sampling on AC voltage, the difference in RMS-amplitude values obtained by the differential sampling using the two different samplers is approximately 150 nV/V due to the systematic error caused by the limited bandwidth of 150~kHz for the integrating sampler.