Energy efficiency is one of the seventeen sustainable developmentgoals defined by the UN in the 2030 agenda. Therefore, to achievethis goal, the amount of information accessible to consumers isan important factor in the management of energy resources. It ismandatory that homes are equipped with energy meters, however,in Brazil, almost all users only have information on the total energyconsumption available - often estimated at the end of each month.This article proposes a prototype for electric energy monitoring ofthe Smart Meter type, with the IoT concept. In the current version,the system implements the following features: measurement ofvoltage, current, frequency, calculation of active, reactive, apparentpower, power factor, energy consumption, real-time total cost andrecording of this data in memory and in the cloud. The developedsystem uses WiFi communication technology, so that data can betransmitted and interpreted by devices that work with this standard,through a remote WEB application hosted on an AWS service. Thesystem requirements were met when designing the prototype toprovide accurate current and voltage measurements as well asproviding instantaneous, transparent and historical consumptiondata on electrical energy usage.