Vorrei prima di tutto ringraziare le persone che mi sono state vicine in questi quattro anni nonostante le centinaia di km che ci separavano: la mia famiglia in Sardegna, Stefania e tutti i miei amici sparsi tra la Sardegna e la Toscana (e qualcuno ultimamente anche un po' più lontano ;) ). Questa tesiè il risultato anche del vostro continuo supporto e affetto.Volviendo a este lado del Mediterráneo, quisiera agradecer en primer lugar a Pepe por haberme dado la oportunidad de hacer el doctorado en el GAP, por su constante seguimiento y soporte a mi trabajo y por su total disponibilidad para ayudarme con cualquier problema.También quiero agradecer a todos los compañeros que han trabajado en los dos laboratorios del GAP en estos años, con que he compartido muchas horas de trabajo, comidas y viajes.Y porúltimo, pero no menos importante, quiero agradecer al resto del personal del DISCA por el gran ambiente de trabajo en que me he encontrado desde el primer día.v
AbstractThe cache hierarchy and the Network-on-Chip (NoC) are two key components of chip multiprocessors (CMPs). Most of NoC traffic is due to messages exchanged by the caches according to the coherence protocol. The amount of traffic, the percentage of short and long messages and the traffic pattern in general depend on the cache geometry and the coherence protocol. NoC architecture and the cache hierarchy are indeed tightly coupled, and these two components should be designed and evaluated together to study how varying one's design affects the other one's performance. Furthermore, each component should adjust to match the requirements and exploit the performance of the other one, and vice versa. Usually, messages belonging to different classes are sent through different virtual networks or through NoCs with different bandwidth, thus separating short and long messages. However, other classification of the messages can be done, depending on the type of information they provide: some messages, like data requests, need fields to store information (block address, type of request, etc.); other messages, like acknowledgement messages (ACKs), do not need to specify any information except for the destination node. This second class of messages do no require high NoC bandwidth: latency is far more important, since the destination node is typically blocked waiting for their reception. In this thesis we propose a dedicated network which is able to transmit this second class of messages; the dedicated network is lightweight and fast, and is able to deliver ACKs in a few clock cycles. By reducing ACKs latency and the NoC traffic, it is possible to:• speed-up the invalidation phase during write requests in a system which employs a directory-based coherence protocol• improve the performance of a broadcast-based coherence protocol, reaching performance which is comparable to that of a directory-based protocol but without the additional area overhead due to the directory• implement an efficient and dynamic mapping of cache blocks to the last-level cache banks, aiming to map ...