Bandgap voltage reference, to provide a temperature and power supply insensitive output voltage, is a very important module in the analog integrated circuits and mixed-signal integrated circuits. In this paper, a high performance CMOS bandgap with low-power consumption has been designed. It can get the PTAT (Proportional to absolute temperature) current, and then get the reference voltage. Based on 0.35μm CMOS process, using HSPICE 2008 software for circuit simulation, the results showed that , when the temperature changes from -40 to 80 °C, the proposed circuit’s reference voltage achieve to 1.2V, temperature coefficient is 3.09ppm/°C. Adopt a series of measures, like ESD protection circuit, in layout design. The ultimately design through the DRC and LVS verification, and the final layout size is 700μm * 560μm.