Articles you may be interested inFast and accurate current-voltage curves of metallic quantum point contacts Rev. Coaxial fast metaltometal switch for high current Rev. Sci. Instrum. 49, 1537 (1978); 10.1063/1.1135307 A simple, fast−closing, metallic contact switch for high voltage and current Rev.A metallic contact solid dielectric switch with a closing time of 1O.13±0.31I'sec is described. An electrically exploded foil is used to drive a 0.317 cm thick aluminum plate through 0.076 cm polyethylene insulation into solid contact with the other switch electrode. The switch has been used asa series switch in a 20kV circuit with a current of 1.2Xl()6 A rising in 401'5ec. In a "crowbar" application it has carried 40 kA with a l/e decay time of 45 msec.