We present the experimental realization of spectrally tunable, ultrashort, quasimonochromatic extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses generated at 100 kHz repetition rate in a user-oriented gas high harmonic generation (GHHG) beamline of the Extreme Light Infrastructure -Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI ALPS) facility. Versatile spectral and temporal shaping of the XUV pulses are accomplished with a double-grating, time-delay compensated monochromator accommodating the two composing stages in a novel, asymmetrical geometry. This configuration supports the achievement of high monochromatic XUV flux (2.8±0.9 × 10 10 photons/s) combined with ultrashort pulse duration (4.0±0.2 fs using 12.1±0.6 fs driving pulses) and small spot size (sub-100 µm). Focusability, spectral bandwidth, and overall photon flux of the produced radiation were investigated covering a wide range of instrumental configurations. Moreover, complete temporal (intensity and phase) characterization of the few-femtosecond monochromatic XUV pulses -a goal that is difficult to achieve by conventional reconstruction techniques -has been realized using ptychographic algorithm on experimentally recorded XUV-IR pump-probe traces. The presented results contribute to in-situ, time-resolved experiments accessing direct information on the electronic structure dynamics of novel target materials.