The E989 Muon g − 2 Experiment aims to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, a µ , to an unprecedented precision of 140 parts per billion (ppb). There currently stands a greater than 3σ discrepancy between the best measurement of a µ and its theoretical value predicted using the Standard Model. The E989 experiment seeks to either resolve or confirm this discrepancy, which is suggestive of new physics interactions within reach of many contemporary experiments. To achieve the E989 target precision, the anomalous precession frequency, ω a , of muons in a magnetic storage ring must be determined with a systematic uncertainty below 70 ppb. This frequency is imprinted on the time-dependent energy distribution of decay positrons observed by 24 electromagnetic calorimeters. These calorimeters feature a novel design optimized expressly for the stringent demands of the ω a measurement. This dissertation outlines the motivation for and measurement principles behind E989, discusses the requirements, prototyping, testing, commissioning, and operations of the electromagnetic calorimeters, and presents a preliminary, blinded analysis of data