Travelling Wave Array (TWA) antennas distributed along the periphery of the tokamak are presently considered as Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequencies (ICRF) heating solution for the DEMO reactor. Compared to the conventional ICRF antenna systems currently in use or designed for future machines like ITER, the TWA consists of antenna sections integrated in the breeding blanket scattered around the machine, each one fed through a variable coupler in a resonant ring configuration. Previous modelling of an antenna system for DEMO with 16 quadruple TWA sections of 8 straps shows that a power capability exceeding 50 MW can be obtained in the frequency band of interest using the reference low coupling plasma profile of ITER. The described system optimizes the coupling to the plasma by providing a large number of radiating elements, which results in enhanced antenna directivity hereby decreasing the antenna power density. This results in a maximum strap voltage amplitude of only 15 kV and maximum inter-strap voltage amplitude of 18 kV. The generators remain matched for all loading conditions: the system is totally load resilient. Following the recommendation of the work package heating and current drive (WPHCD) Review Panel, a TWA ICRH system consisting in fewer sections concentrated in front of the equatorial ports is analysed in this paper and compared to the previous design. Reducing the number of sections increases the power density and its associated voltages. To couple 50 MW on the ITER density profile, voltages up to 30 kV are now required. Some aspects like the coupling between sections and its repercussion on the feeding network are briefly discussed. To assess the feasibility of the TWA fed by a resonant ring as ICRH system for a DEMO reactor, a test on an existing medium size tokamak is under study.