Wind energies are one of the most used resources worldwide and favours the economy by not emitting harmful gases that could lead to global warming. It is a cost-efficient method and environmentally friendly. Hence, explains the popularity of wind energy production over the years. Unfortunately, a minor fault could be contagious by affecting the nearby components, then a more complicated problem might arise, which may be costly. Thus, this article conducted a machine learning technique, support vector machine (SVM) to monitor the health of the wind turbine system by classifying the class of healthy data and faulty data. Some SVM types were experimented with, including Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Fine Gaussian, Medium Gaussian, and Coarse Gaussian. Then these models were trained under different validation schemes that are cross-validation, holdout validation, and re-substitution validation as an approach to evaluate the performance of each model. In the end, Cubic SVM is proven to outperformed other models under the provision of 10-fold cross-validation with an accuracy of 98.25%. The result showed that Cubic SVM has the best performance while Linear SVM has the least accuracy among other models. Hence choosing the default value is preferred as the final product to diagnose the fault in wind turbine systems.