Using solution-state NMR spectroscopy, new insights into the early events governing amelogenin supramolecular self-assembly have been identified using sodium chloride and calcium chloride to trigger the association. Two-dimensional 1 H-15 N HSQC spectra were recorded for 15 N-and 13 Clabeled murine amelogenin as a function of increasing NaCl and CaCl 2 concentration beginning with solution conditions of 2% acetic acid at pH 3.0, where amelogenin was monomeric. Residue specific changes in molecular dynamics, manifested by the reduction in intensity and disappearance of 1 H-15 N HSQC cross-peaks, were observed with the addition of either salt to the protein. With increasing NaCl concentrations, residues between T21 and R31 near the N-terminus were affected first, suggesting that these residues may initiate amelogenin dimerization, the first step in nanosphere assembly. At higher NaCl concentrations, more residues near the N-terminus (Y12-I51) were affected, and with further additions of NaCl, residues near the C-terminus (L141-T171) began to show a similar change in molecular dynamics. With increasing CaCl 2 concentrations, a similar stepwise change in molecular dynamics involving essentially the same set of amelogenin residues was observed. As the concentration of either salt was increased, a concomitant increase in the estimated overall rotational correlation time (τ c ) was observed, consistent with assembly. Selfassembly into a dimer or trimer was established with dynamic light scattering studies under similar conditions that showed an increase in diameter of the smallest species from 4.1 nm in the absence of salt to ~10 nm in the presence of salt. These results suggest a possible stepwise interaction mechanism, starting with the N-terminus and followed by the C-terminus, leading to amelogenin nanosphere assembly.Dental enamel, the layer of elongated carbonated hydroxayapatite on the outer layer of the tooth, is the hardest tissue in the human body (1). It needs to be strong because it is exposed to repeated masticatory, parafunctional, and occasional impact loading, but unlike the dominant biomineral in the human body (2), mesenchyme-derived bone, enamel cannot self-repair nor can it undergo remodeling, and therefore, it must last a lifetime. Enamel's resistance to wear and deformation are due to a combination of high mineral content and unique three-dimensional structural organization (3). Ninety-five percent of mature enamel consists of long and narrow crystals of carbonated hydroxyapatite packed into parallel arrays, called enamel rods, that are intricately interwoven into an unique lattice architecture (4,5). There is little, if any, matrix