H yb rid C 0 2 L a s e r/W a te rje t M a c h in in g of P o ly c ry s ta llin e D ia m o n d S u b s trate : M a te ria l S e p a ra tio n T h ro u g h T ra n s fo rm a tio n In d u ced C o n tro lle d F ra ctu reThis paper presents a combined experimental and computational investigation o f a novel material separation mechanism in polycrystalline diamond (PCD) substrates. A hybrid CO 2 laserlwaterjet (C 02-LWJ) machining system that combines a C 0 2 laser fo r localized heating and an abrasive-free water je t to rapidly quench the heated area is utilized fo r cut ting experiments on PCD substrates. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro-Raman spectrometry characterization performed on the cut surfaces show that cut surfaces were divided into two zones-a thin transformed zone near the top where the PCD grains have transformed to graphite and diamond-like carbon; and a fracture zone with the same composition as-received substrate. The experimental results indicate that the PCD sub strates were cut through a "score and snap" mechanism-laser heating leads to localized damage and phase transformation o f surface layers; and subsequently, stress fields devel oped due to constrained expansion o f transformed material and waterjet quenching act on the laser made "score" to propagate crack through the thickness. Analytical solutions fo r thermal diffusion and force equilibrium are used to determine the temperature and stress fields in the PCD substrate during C 0 2-LWJ cutting. Fracture mechanics analysis o f crack propagation is performed to demonstrate the feasibility o f the "score and snap" mechanism fo r cutting o f PCD substrates.