1 Flerov Lab o ra tory of Nu clear Re ac tions, Joint In sti tute for Nu clear Re search, Dubna, Rus sia 2 Lab o ra tory of Phys ics, Vin~a In sti tute of Nu clear Sci ences, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia Sci en tific pa per http://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP1801047E
Re cent up grad ing of the Fa cil ity for Mod i fi ca tion and Anal y sis of Ma te ri als with Ion Beams -FAMA, in the Lab o ra tory of Phys ics of the Vin~a In sti tute of Nu clear Sci ences, in cluded the mod ern iza tion of its elec tron cy clo tron res o nance ion source.Since the old ion source was being ex ten sively used for more than 15 years for pro duc tion of mul ti ply charged ions from gases and solid sub stances, its com plete re con struc tion was needed. The main goal was to recon struct its plasma and in jec tion cham bers and mag netic struc ture, and thus in ten sify the pro duc tion of mul ti ply charged ions. Also, it was de cided to re fur bish its ma jor sub sys temsthe vac uum sys tem, the mi cro wave sys tem, the gas in let sys tem, the solid sub stance in let system, and the con trol sys tem. All these im prove ments have re sulted in a sub stan tial in crease of ion beam cur rents, es pe cially in the case of high charge states, with the op er a tion of the ion source proven to be sta ble and re pro duc ible.