This report wr.i prepared as an account ofwnrk sponsored b\ Ihe United Slates Covernmenl. Neither the United Slates nor thr 1 nited State* Energy Research and Development Administration, nor anv of their employers, nor *nv of their contractors, nulM-nnlractor*, or their employee*, ma hen any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liahilitvor ifflponHibility for the aecuracv, compleU-nnifl, or us*fulnenM o( anv information, appuratuii. produrt. or process dwlosed, or reprenentn that il* use would not infringe privately owned ihl UNCLASSIFIED EFFECTS OF NEUTRON STREAMING AND GEOMETRIC MODELS ON MOLTEN FUEL RECRITICALITY ACCIDENTS by Thomas P. McLaughlln -NOTICE-71m report was prepared as in account of work sponsored by the United Sum Gomiawn. Neither the United States not the United Stale* Enetgy Rcseaich and Development AdminJltntkM, nor any of their employees, not any of their contractors. subcontractors. 01 their employee*, sake* any warranty, express or implied, or aauiaes any lefal HaMity or responsibility for .huccuracy,completeness 01 usefulneai of any information, apparatus,product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not iflrnnjc privately owned rtjhti.