The Photovoltaic solar cells convert the radiant energy from the Sun directly to electricity. Solar photovoltaic systems can help to fulfil the entire energy demands in rural areas by harnessing all the opportunities and potentials. The water is an important element in the life of plants, animals and human being. In this paper, it has been studied that solar energy could be used for water pumping applications such as providing water to rural and remote areas. It is being practiced in south Libya. The data is being collected over two years by measuring the water flow on daily basis at pumping head of (35m). In addition, this presents an evaluation of PV system in water pumping and piping systems and estimation of pumping energy cost. The solar pumping systems depend on water flow rate, pumping head and solar irradiance. The system components contain inverter, pump and PV generator. Besides, the effects of the climate and operating conditions on the performance of PV pumping systems has been discussed.