A patient, nowadays, acquires health information from the Web mainly through a "human-to-machine" communication process with a generic search engine. This, in turn, affects, positively or negatively, his/her empowerment level and the "human-to-human" communication process that occurs between a patient and a healthcare professional such as a doctor. A generic communication process can be modelled by considering its syntactic-technical, semantic-meaning, and pragmatic-effectiveness levels and an efficacious communication occurs when all the communication levels are fully addressed. In the case of retrieval of health information from the Web, although a generic search engine is able to work at the syntactic-technical level, the semantic and pragmatic aspects are left to the user and this can be challenging, especially for elderly people. This work presents a custom search engine, FACILE, that works at the three communication levels and allows to overcome the challenges confronted during the search process. A patient can specify his/her information requirements in a simple way and FACILE will retrieve the "right" amount of Web content in a language that he/she can easily understand. This facilitates the comprehension of the found information and positively affects the empowerment process and communication with healthcare professionals. 1 INTRODUCTION According to the World Health Organization (WHO), empowerment is "a process through which people gain greater control over decisions and actions affecting their health" (WHO, 1998). It includes, as a basic step, the acquisition of health/medical information that helps patients/citizens to understand medical conditions and treatments, acquire selfconfidence to discuss them with medical professionals and, together, make the best-informed decisions (Akerkar & Bichile, 2004; Smith, 2004). The main source of health/medical information is, nowadays, the World Wide Web (or Web, for short) with the number of Web health information seekers that have been steadily increasing over the years (Pew Research Center, 2013; Taylor, 2010). Search engines are more and more used as the main tools to provide Web information. However, generic search engines do not make any distinction among the users and overload them with the amount of information. The use of a search engine for Web information retrieval entails a human-to-machine communication process between the user (e.g., a patient) and the search engine. It affects, among others, the amount, comprehension and use of the found information. This, in turn, may facilitate or complicate the humanto-human communication process between patients and healthcare professionals such as doctors (Smith, 2004). Communication processes have been modelled in various ways in the past decades. One of the most famous communication model is the one introduced by Morris in relation to its theory of signs (Morris, 1938). It is made up of three levels, i.e., syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. It is paired up by another communication model introduced by Shannon...