We revisit robust complex-and mixed--synthesis problems based on upper bounds and show that they can be recast as specially structured controller design programs. The proposed reformulations suggest a streamlined handling of -synthesis problems using recently developed (local) nonsmooth optimization methods, where both scalings or multipliers and a controller of given structure are obtained simultaneously. A first cut of the nonsmooth programming software for structured H ∞ synthesis is made available through the MATLAB R2010b Prerelease, Robust Control Toolbox Version 3.5 developed by The MathWorks, Inc. of appropriate dimensions, the (assumed well-posed) lower LFT of M and N is defined as F l (M, N ) := M 11 + M 12 N (I − M 22 N ) −1 M 21 , 1495 whereas the upper LFT of M and L is obtained as: F u (L , M) := M 22 + M 21 L(I − M 11 L) −1 M 12 .The Redheffer star product [12,13] denoted ' ' of M and J is obtained as: