The power consumption of 3D many-core processors can be reduced, and the power delivery of such processors can be improved by introducing voltage island (VI) design using on-chip voltage regulators. With the dramatic growth in the number of cores that are integrated in a processor, however, it is infeasible to adopt per-core VI design. We propose a 3D many-core processor architecture that consists of multiple voltage clusters, where each has a set of cores that share an on-chip voltage regulator. Based on the architecture, the steady state temperature is analyzed so that the thermal characteristic of each voltage cluster is known. In the voltage scaling and task scheduling stages, the thermal characteristics and communication between cores is considered. The consideration of the thermal characteristics enables the proposed VI formation to reduce the total energy consumption, peak temperature, and temperature gradients in 3D many-core processors.Keywords: Many core, task scheduling, thermal aware, three-dimensional integration, voltage island. Manuscript received Mar. 1, 2014; revised Sept. 17, 2014; accepted Oct. 6, 2014
I. IntroductionThe use of multiple supply voltages through the design of voltage islands (VIs) has been introduced into system-on-chip (SoC) design to minimize power consumption levels. A VI in a many-core processor is a set of cores that are physically contiguous and are powered by the same supply voltage. Timing-critical tasks are assigned to the cores in the VI that are powered by higher supply voltages so that the performance constraint can be met. Meanwhile, tasks that are not timingcritical are assigned to the cores in the VI that are powered by lower supply voltages; thus, these cores run more slowly, thereby reducing the total power consumption [1]- [2].Three-dimensional (3D) integration technology has been accepted as a solution to the problems faced by traditional twodimensional (2D) integration technology. In 3D ICs, the global wire length is reduced by a factor of √k, where k is the number of stacked layers [3]. Recently, microprocessor design has been shifting from multi-core to many-core configurations due to the power wall that multi-core processors are facing [4]. The performance of many-core processors can be improved using 3D integration technology because the on-chip communications are significantly shortened. Integrated multiple core dies are accepted as a promising alternative to be used in future high-performance computing systems [5].Although 3D stacking of core layers offers a lot of advantages, some existing problems may be exacerbated. One of the challenges is the thermal crisis. The power density per unit volume considerably increases compared to 2D technology, so the peak temperature may soar. It was shown that the peak temperature of a 3D chip made of two layers increased by more than 20°C without any modifications to mitigate the thermal problems [6]. The temporal and spatial temperature gradients also become larger due to the thermal characteristics of stacked lay...