Researchers developing implementations of distributed graph analytic algorithms require graph generators that yield graphs sharing the challenging characteristics of real-world graphs (small-world, scale-free, heavy-tailed degree distribution) with efficiently calculable ground-truth solutions to the desired output. Reproducibility for current generators [1] used in benchmarking are somewhat lacking in this respect due to their randomness: the output of a desired graph analytic can only be compared to expected values and not exact ground truth. Nonstochastic Kronecker product graphs [2] meet these design criteria for several graph analytics. Here we show that many flavors of triangle participation can be cheaply calculated while generating a Kronecker product graph.Given two medium-sized scale-free graphs with adjacency matrices A and B, their Kronecker product graph has adjacency matrix C = A ⊗ B. Such graphs are highly compressible: |E| edges are represented in O(|E| 1/2 ) memory and can be built in a distributed setting from small data structures, making them easy to share in compressed form. Many interesting graph calculations have worst-case complexity bounds O(|E| p ) and often these are reduced to O(|E| p/2 ) for Kronecker product graphs, when a Kronecker formula can be derived yielding the sought calculation on C in terms of related calculations on A and B.We focus on deriving formulas for triangle participation at vertices, tC , a vector storing the number of triangles that every vertex is involved in, and triangle participation at edges, ∆C , a sparse matrix storing the number of triangles at every edge. When factors A and B are undirected, C is also undirected. In the case when both factors have no self loops we show tC = 2tA ⊗ tB, ∆C = ∆A ⊗ ∆B. Moreover, we derive the respective formulas when A and B have self loops, which boosts the triangle counts for the associated vertices/edges in C. We additionally demonstrate strong assumptions on B that allow the truss decomposition of C to be derived cheaply from the truss decomposition of A.We extend these results and show Kronecker formulas for triangle participation in both directed graphs and undirected, vertex-labeled graphs. In these classes of graphs each vertex / edge can participate in many different types of triangles.