This paper introduces simple analytical formulas for the grid impedance of electrically dense arrays of square patches and for the surface impedance of high-impedance surfaces based on the dense arrays of metal strips or square patches over ground planes. Emphasis is on the oblique-incidence excitation. The approach is based on the known analytical models for strip grids combined with the approximate Babinet principle for planar grids located at a dielectric interface. Analytical expressions for the surface impedance and reflection coefficient resulting from our analysis are thoroughly verified by full-wave simulations and compared with available data in open literature for particular cases. The results can be used in the design of various antennas and microwave or millimeter wave devices which use artificial impedance surfaces and artificial magnetic conductors (reflect-array antennas, tunable phase shifters, etc.), as well as for the derivation of accurate higher-order impedance boundary conditions for artificial (high-) impedance surfaces. As an example, the propagation properties of surface waves along the high-impedance surfaces are studied.
I. INTRODUCTIONIn this paper we consider planar periodic arrays of infinitely long metal strips and periodic arrays of square patches, as well as artificial high-impedance surfaces based on such grids. [17]. Capacitive strips and square patches have been studied extensively in the literature (e.g., [18]-[20]). However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no known easily applicable analytical model capable of predicting the plane-wave response of these artificial surfaces for large angles of incidence with good accuracy.Models of planar arrays of metal elements excited by plane waves can be roughly split into two categories: computational and analytical methods. Computational methods as a rule are based on the Floquet expansion of the scattered field (see, e.g., [2], [3], [21], [22]). These methods are electromagnetically strict and general (i.e., not restricted to a particular design geometry). Periodicity of the total field in tangential directions allows one to consider the incidence of a plane wave on a planar grid or on a high-impedance surface as a single unit cell problem. The field in the unit cell of the structure can be solved using,