This paper presents the experimental results of studying the samples of the electrochemical sensors of motion parameters on the base of Molecular Electronics Technology (MET). The sensors with microelectromechanical (MEMS) electrode assembly use electrolytes based on aqueous and non-aqueous solutions of potassium and lithium iodides. Electrolyte solutions contain impurities of ionic liquids and alcohols to achieve stable low-temperature operation and acceptable technical parameters of serial devices. The dependence of the general sensitivity and the shape of the amplitude-frequency characteristic on temperature have been studied. For the marginally acceptable samples, which had an acceptable temperature dependence of the conversion coefficient and low activation energies for the diffusion coefficient, the level of self-noise was found. The activation energy of the electrolyte diffusion coefficient was determined based on the analysis of the dependence of the background current on temperature. A conclusion was made regarding the possible prospects for using the studied solutions and components for operation in serial devices.