Origami, an ancient Japanese paper art, has inspired diverse fields, leading to modern origami-inspired engineering, notably origami robots known for outstanding versatility across scales. Recent advancements in the field of origami robots have ushered in improved performance through the implementation of innovative actuation methods and the incorporation of non-rigid origami. The latter, known for its energy-efficient approach utilizing multi-stabilities, facilitates shape-changing and shape-locking. Nevertheless, non-rigid origami in robotics remains in its formative stages, marked by persistent challenges, notably the intricate task of achieving precise actuation while managing the bistability-reconfiguration trade-off. This article aims to develop a multifunctional mesoscale reconfigurable robot based on the Kresling tower pattern, characterized by advanced mechanical properties such as rapid shape-changing, shape-blocking capabilities, and adjustable structural behavior. To this end, we present the development of a polypropylene (PP)-based origami robot based on the 'Kresling' pattern. An in-body actuation mechanism is developed to facilitate the robot's bistable shape-changing capabilities. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive mechanical performance assessment of the origami robot.