INTRODUCTIONAt the Delft University of Technology a new transportable atmospheric radar (TARA) [l], having a sophisticated antenna system, is under construction. The antenna of TARA has multiple beams pointing at different directions (i.e. Oo, 15' in the two orthogonal planes). The beams are switched electronically by means of a parabolic dish fed by a dielectric rod array located in the focal plane.In an earlier paper [2], we have shown that an array consisting of two dielectric rods separated by 0.77h, where h. stands for the wavelength, is needed in order to achieve a well focused beam at 15' with low side-lobes. However, due to this small separation distance, degradation of radiation pattem and mismatches, due to mutual coupling, become a serious problem. This paper presents a method to synthesis the dielectric rod array (amplitude and phase distribution) that takes into account mutual coupling effects.