The proposed ultrasound beamformer is based on the delay-and-sum beamforming principle. The circuit consists of several programmable delay lines. Each delay line is constructed by pipeline-operated sample-and-hold (S/H) stages with digitally-assisted delay control, which ensure delay-independent gain and good timing accuracy. The summation is realised in the charge domain using the charge-averaging method, which consumes virtually no extra die area or power. A prototype beamformer has been fabricated in a 0.35 mm CMOS process to interface nine transducer elements. Measurement results show that this circuit consumes much less power and chip area than the prior art, while maintaining good accuracy and flexibility.Introduction: In an ultrasound receiver system, a beamformer is used to align signals received from various transducer elements in time by appropriately delaying these signals and then coherently summing them. A beamformer can be implemented either in the digital domain or in the analogue domain. Digital beamforming is precise and flexible, but requires an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) for each transducer element. For applications such as 3D transesophageal echocardiography [1], in which ultrasound signals from a large number of transducer elements are processed simultaneously, analogue beamforming is preferred for its better power efficiency. In previous work [2, 3], analogue beamformers using the so-called pipelined-sampled-delay-focusing (PSDF) architecture have been proposed. Compared to a purely digital beamforming solution involving a large number of ADCs, the PSDF architecture greatly reduces the hardware complexity. The signals received from various transducer elements are sampled and stored in a so-called analogue first-in first-out (AFIFO) memory and read out after a certain time delay for summation at the output of the AFIFO. However, the delayed signals are added in the voltage domain, which typically involves an operational amplifier and extra circuit components. Instead of summing the signals in the voltage domain, an analogue beamformer using switched-current delay lines has been presented in [4], which performs the summation in the current domain. However, since the piezo-electric transducers typically used in an ultrasound system produce an output in the voltage domain by nature, the current-mode operation requires extra circuitry for voltage-to-current (V/I) conversion. As explained in [4], the linearity and bandwidth of the V/I converter are very challenging design aspects. In this Letter, we propose an analogue beamformer using an architecture similar to the PSDF architecture, but with signal summation in the charge domain. The whole circuit is not only very simple, but it consumes much less power and requires less chip area than the prior art, showing good accuracy, while providing flexible programmability.