이 동 현․손 범 익․염 경 환
AbstractIn this paper, we present a design and implementation of a Voltage-tuned Planar Composite Resonator Oscillator(Vt-PCRO) with a low phase noise. The designed Vt-PCRO is composed of a resonator, two phase shifters, and an amplifier. The resonator is designed using a dual mode SIW(Substrate Integrated Waveguide) resonator and has a group delay of about 40 nsec. Of the two phase shifters (PS1 and PS2), PS1 with a phase shift of 360° is used for the open loop gain to satisfy oscillation condition without regard to the electrical lengths of the employed microstrip lines in the loop. PS2 with a phase shift of about 70° is used to tune oscillation frequency. The amplifier is constructed using two stages to compensate for the loss of the open loop. Through the measurement of the open loop gain, the tune voltage of the PS1 can be set to satisfy the oscillation condition and the loop is then closed to form the oscillator. The oscillator with a oscillation frequency of 5.345 GHz shows a phase noise of -130.5 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz frequency offset. The oscillation power and the electrical frequency tuning range is about 3.5 dBm and about 4.2 MHz for a tuning voltage of 0~10 V, respectively.