LiOsO3 has been recently identified as the first unambiguous "ferroelectric metal", experimentally realizing a prediction from 1965 by Anderson and Blount. In this work, we investigate the metallic state in LiOsO3 by means of infrared spectroscopy supplemented by Density Functional Theory and Dynamical Mean Field Theory calculations. Our measurements and theoretical calculations clearly show that LiOsO3 is a very bad metal with a small quasiparticle weight, close to a Mott-Hubbard localization transition. The agreement between experiments and theory allows us to ascribe all the relevant features in the optical conductivity to strong electron-electron correlations within the t2g manifold of the osmium atoms. Introduction -Ferroelectric materials display a spontaneous polarization due to an inversion symmetry breaking induced by the macroscopic ordering of local dipole moments. Multiferroic materials are defined by coexistent and coupled magnetic and ferroelectric order. It is a natural expectation that ferroelectric (and consequently multiferroic) ordering can only happen in insulators in order to avoid the metallic charge carriers to screen out the ferroelectric polarization. The existence of "ferroelectric metals" challenging this expectation has been hypothesized in 1965 by Anderson and Blount [1], who have shown that ferroelectricity can occur in a metal as long as the electrons at the Fermi level are decoupled from the ferroelectric distortions. Under these circumstances, the ferroelectric ordering can take place through a second-order transition. In 2013 the first unambiguous realization of this proposal has been reported in LiOsO 3 , where a second-order transition leads to a ferroelectric ionic structure below 140 K while the material remains conducting [2]. This behavior is accompanied by a large residual resistivity which exceeds by two orders of magnitude that of prototypical metals as gold, and by a CurieWeiss like behavior of the magnetic susceptibility in the ordered phase which suggests the presence of almost localized magnetic moments, characteristic precursors of Mott localization [2].