To avoid the initialisation procedures, analog computers are now rarely used unless interfaced to general purpose digital hardware in a hybrid configuration, whi eh implementation due to the need for matrix inversion.Australia [14,15], and Czechoslovakia [16,17], suggesting that the DDA still retains the interest of a significant number of research establishments.
Aims and Contributions of this ThesisThe three principle aims of the research described in the following Chapters are: 1. to investigate the feasibility of incorporating automatically varying step-size into DDA integration; 2. to analyse DDA suppression of truncation error during solution of nonlinear equations ; 3. to introduce a new stiff integration technique, based on existing explicit integration methods and suitable for DDA hardware implementation. A result of this research has been the discovery of a new class of DEs, which has proved to be particularly useful in the testing of VSS integration algorithms. These new equations have been combined with a selection from the literature to produce a comprehensive set of DEs for testing VSS DDA integration.Thus original contributions are considered to have been made in a total of four separate areas within the DDA field.