Hysteresis current controllers (HCCs) are extensively used in low-frequency power inverters and active power filters. Very little is known about their strengths and weaknesses when applied at supraharmonic frequencies. The major concern regarding the use of HCCs is their variable and uncontrollable switching frequencies. This results in difficulties in filter design, high switching losses, and the possibility of resonance conditions with power system elements. In this article, investigations are conducted on the application of HCCs in a hybrid filter for a 6 kHz matrix converter (MC)-coupled supraharmonic load. The effects of the MC-coupled load and VSC switches on the HCC’s switching frequency are analyzed. A novel mathematical model for obtaining a fixed-frequency HCC is presented. The model is verified in open- and closed-loop HCC control configurations for a three-phase hybrid active power filter (HAPF). Fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis of the supply current after the implementation of the novel HCC-HAPF showed 2.31% of the 50 Hz fundamental. The analysis is verified in a MATLAB/Simulink environment.