Experiments were carried out in a tapered gas agitated solid‐liquid‐gas (S‐L‐G) reactor at 4 reactor volumes (up to 4 m3 ) with 4 different slurry densities (up to 40 mass%). Using monodisperse sand particles (260 μm diameter) at a low specific power input (ranging from 50‐300 W/m3), minimal suspension was achieved. The spatial solids hold‐up distributions were determined using a specially designed sampling probe. In combination with a mathematical model, the measurements show that a decrease in the ratio of the eddy length and the particle diameter (le/dP) takes place at increasing slurry densities. At a solids hold‐up of about 0.4, the critical lower limit (l < le/dp < 5). below which no suspension state can exist, is reached.