Abstract-The paper presents the design and motion planning for a mechanical snake robot that was built at the University of Michigan. The structure of the robot enables it to move without wheels. It is constructed of a series of articulated links, each one with a motor and linear solenoid. Although each link has only one motor, this structure allows the body configuration to be easily controlled thereby enabling the robot to move in very cluttered environments. The motion planning system provides the robot with a basic motion pattern that can be easily modified for different tasks and environments. The mechanical snake does not avoid obstacles on its way, but rather "accommodates" them by continuing its motion towards the target while in contact with the obstacles. With our design and motion planning, each link has a different number of degrees-of-freedom in each motion stage, providing the robot with great adaptability even during contact with obstacles in a cluttered environment.
I. INTRODUC~ION ROBOTIC DEVICE that is able to crawl into placesA that are too dangerous or too small for people to enter would find many applications in industry. For example, the most recent design of new nuclear power plants contains a reactor vessel with an 8-in space between its bottom and the floor. The bottom of the vessel must be inspected for leaks. A small, flexible robotic device could perform this inspection. Leaks or other problems in municipal sewer systems or utility tunnels could also be investigated and perhaps repaired by such a robot. In an earthquake or other disaster situation, it is oftentimes too hazardous for humans to enter collapsed structures. A robot that could maneuver through the rubble to look for survivors would be invaluable. The commonly utilized wheeled robots cannot fulfill the task because of their large size. Even if they are designed to be small, they cannot carry the tools needed to do the job. Surveillance tasks in the military are sometimes highly dangerous, exposing soldiers to hostile fire or mine fields. A robot that could unobtrusively enter the area and travel to a target while delivering intelligence data would reduce wartime casualties.Robotic devices currently in use do not have the ability to carry out the tasks described above-they are either too large, are not able to move freely in obstacle-cluttered environments, or have wide turning radii. In this research, we have developed a prototype robot with special motion and size characteristics that make it ideal for carrying out tasks that require maneuverability in rough terrain or tight spaces.We began our research by examining standard methods of robot locomotion: legs, wheels, and tracks. These proved to