There are many kinds of robots and among them the wheeled mobile robots (WMR) stand out, because they are relatively cheap and easy to build. These features make WMRs the test prototypes for control strategies or motion generation. In general, the controllers developed are based on sensory schemes that give an WMR the ability to travel through flat or obstructed environments. However, these strategies are highly reactive, i.e. they are based on the controlaction scheme and are not adaptive; or, they are motion schemes built from simulations that assume the environmental conditions to determine the robot's path. In both cases, WMRs do not adapt perfectly to the change of environment, since the controller does not find appropriate movements for the robot to move from one point to another. Therefore, this article proposesa partial solution to this problem, with a controller that generates sets of adaptive movements for an WMR to travel around its environment from the sensory perception information.