DOI: 10.1080/090647100750014367
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Design of an Organic Farming Crop-Rotation Experiment

Abstract: A field experiment is conducted which focuses on crop rotations for cereal production in organic farming. The objective of the experiment is to explore the possibilities for both short-term and long-term increases in organic cereal production through manipulation of crop rotation design on different soil types. This paper describes the design of a rather complex experiment, and later papers will describe and discuss the results. Three factors are included in the experiment in a factorial design with two replic… Show more

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Cited by 49 publications
(57 citation statements)
References 5 publications
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“…The crops were grown in two successive years, 2007 and 2008 (years 1 and 2), at three different locations, Flakkebjerg (Fla), Jyndevad (Jyn), and Foulum (Fou), in Denmark. Further descriptions of field study design and of field and soil characteristics are given by Olesen et al 30 and Laursen et al 24 There was a total crop loss of fava beans in year 2 at Flakkebjerg due to a severe attack of aphids (Aphis fabae L.) and Fla-year 2 was excluded from the study, because it was not possible to compose the diets. Hence, the final number of experimental diets was reduced to 30.…”
Section: ■ Materials and Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The crops were grown in two successive years, 2007 and 2008 (years 1 and 2), at three different locations, Flakkebjerg (Fla), Jyndevad (Jyn), and Foulum (Fou), in Denmark. Further descriptions of field study design and of field and soil characteristics are given by Olesen et al 30 and Laursen et al 24 There was a total crop loss of fava beans in year 2 at Flakkebjerg due to a severe attack of aphids (Aphis fabae L.) and Fla-year 2 was excluded from the study, because it was not possible to compose the diets. Hence, the final number of experimental diets was reduced to 30.…”
Section: ■ Materials and Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Olesen et al (2000) and Berntsen et al (2004). Average annual temperature and rainfall during the period 1961-1990 were 7.9 • C and 964 mm, 7.3 • C and 704 mm and 7.8 • C and 626 mm at Jyndevad, Foulum and Flakkebjerg, respectively.…”
Section: General Detailsmentioning
confidence: 96%
“…The experiment is described in detail by Olesen et al (2000b) and Askegaard et al (2011); therefore, only a brief outline will be given here. The experiment was conducted at three locations representing different soil types and climate in Denmark (Olesen et al, 2000b).…”
Section: Experimental Sitesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The experiment is described in detail by Olesen et al (2000b) and Askegaard et al (2011); therefore, only a brief outline will be given here. The experiment was conducted at three locations representing different soil types and climate in Denmark (Olesen et al, 2000b). Jyndevad (54 • 54 N,9 • 08 E) is located in southern Jutland on coarse sand, Foulum (56 • 30 N,9 • 34 E) is located in Central Jutland on loamy sand, and Flakkebjerg (55 • 19 N, 11 • 23 E) in Western Zealand on sandy loam.…”
Section: Experimental Sitesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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