In this paper, a new compact microstrip low-pass filter (LPF) with ultra-wide stopband characteristics is presented. The combinations of DGS-DMS along with quasi octagonal resonators are employed in the design of the proposed filter to achieve compact size and ultra-wide stopband suppression level. The proposed filter has been designed, simulated, optimized and tested. The design procedure is validated using the commercial full-wave EM MoM simulator Microwave Office. Simulated as well as measured results of low-pass filter exhibit sharp roll-off (ξ) of 19 dB/GHz and creating transmission zero at around 7.8 GHz with attenuation level −54 dB. The measurement results show good agreement with the simulations. The cutoff frequency of the proposed low-pass filter is 2.4 GHz with the insertion loss less than 0.3 dB. The ultra wide stopband with over 20 dB attenuation extended from 3.42 GHz to 12 GHz. The spurious passband suppression up to six harmonics (5f c) is achieved for the proposed design. The addition of two parasitics DGS elements in the ground plane leads to suppression of the undesired harmonics und thus to improve the stopband. The size of the whole structure is less as (0.44λ g × 0.26λ g) with λ g = 68 mm. The proposed filter is useful for microwave L band, GPS system, and RADAR applications.