GHz are obtained, respectively, in the simulation and measured responses.
| C ONCL US I ONSThe third and fifth order microstrip LPFs are designed with folded line in place of high-impedance line. In addition to the reduction in overall size of filter by near about 10%, our simulated results have shown no effect on the cutoff frequency of filters with folded high-impedance line in comparison to the conventional LPF. Among the salient features, the lower insertion loss in pass band, higher sharp cutoff rate and higher attenuation in the stop band are obtained with the proposed LPF design. Results of fifth order simulated and measured LPF are found in good agreement. In future, these features can be further improved by utilizing 'C', 'X', or 'S' shaped folded line in addition to size reduction.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors thank the Research and Development Scheme 2015-2016 of the University of Delhi for the financial support and carrying out the present work.
Kamlesh PatelAbstract An all-resonator based triplexer is presented using a double-stub-loaded resonator (DSLR) that acts as a F IGUR E 6 Comparison of simulated and measured responses: A, S 11 (dB), B, S 21 (dB) [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary. com] EL-TOKHY ET AL. | 1815 F IGUR E 6 Triplexer measurement versus simulation. (A) Transmission, (B) reflection, and (C) isolation between the three output ports [Color figure can be viewed at]