A wideband high-isolation aperture coupled dual polarized microstrip patch antenna was designed. It consists of two substrates, a reflector, and a spacer to maintain the air gap. The upper substrate has a cross-shaped radiating patch, and the lower substrate has a ground plane that includes two slots and two microstrip feeding lines. The dumbbell-shaped slots are arranged in a T formation for higher isolation. The resonant frequency of the antenna is 2.9 GHz. Port 1 has approximately 21.0 %(2.6~3.21 GHz) and port 2 has approximately 23.51 %(2.59~3.28 GHz) of 10-dB return loss bandwidth. The minimum isolation is 34.6 dB and the maximum isolation is 40 dB in the 10-dB return loss bandwidth. The antenna gain at 2.9 GHz is 9.3 dBi when port 1 is excited and 9.0 dBi when port 2 is excited.