In this article, a newly developed filter-antenna synthesis and realization methodology is applied to design a planar dual-band filtering antenna. The synthesis method is derived based on the filter synthesis theory. As a result, a coupling coefficient expression is formulized more precisely specially for the antenna matched to the filter, which is essentially different from that in filter coupling. The synthesized circuit is realized by an efficient parameters extraction process. A third-order dualband filtering antenna integrated with two dual-mode 8-shaped resonators and a dual-inverted-L antenna is then implemented for example to illustrate the design procedure. The integration method facilitates an efficient and practical filterantenna design without complicated parameters evaluation process. Finally, the proposed filtering antenna with simple structure and controllable frequencies is developed with the use of the investigated formulations and extraction curves. The circuit is realized for 2.5/3.45-GHz WiMAX-band applications. The tested results agree well with the simulations, showing good passbands selectivity and out-ofband rejection are attained.
K E Y W O R D Sdual-band, filtering antenna, high selectivity, integration methodology