Assembly or repair of snake-like robots are often time consuming and low efficiency. This paper presents a novel approach for module improvement that can efficiently integrate sensors, micro-controllers and batteries into the snakelike robot, without needing of any tools. The implementation is built upon the GZ-I module-an open frame structure with only servo motor involved. Based on the sliding mechanism, an intermediate module accommodating two infrared sensors, one force sensor, one battery and one micro-controller, together with a terminal module used for mounting infrared sensor at each end of the snake-like robot is designed. Thus, screw-less assembling a snake-like robot can be achieved. In addition, a circuit board is developed for the micro-controller and peripherals connection. A master-slave software framework taking advantage of wireless communication capability of the microcontroller is implemented, enabling remote control/monitoring of the snake-like robot. Through a case study of sidewinding locomotion , the screw-less solution is proven to be applicable on the snake-like robot.